Low temperature hard and soft waxes designed for specific areas and hair types for both men and women.
Waxing Etiquette & Tips
- Abdominal Wax: 18+
- Arm Wax: 55+
- Back or Chest Wax: 60
- Back and Chest: 100
- Bikini Wax: 30+
- Brazilian: 60+
- Buttox: 50+
- Cheeks: 25+
- Eyebrow Wax : 25+
- French Wax: 50+
- Full Body: 300
- Full Face: 90
- Legs Wax: 95+
- Lip or Chin Wax: 25+
- Neck: 25+
- Underarm Wax: 30
- Please be clean,
- Don't be under the influence..It encourages bleeding and lowers your resistance to pain.
- You tend to be more sensitive right before your period.
- If you have your period, use a fresh tampon before your service.
- No waxing if you are using retinoids or oral acne medications.
- Ingrown Hair Treatment Available $10+
- Try the at home Se Brasil personal and body bars to maintain ph levels of the skin and your waxing will go smoothly.